We are so glad you found us, and we hope you will join us for worship soon!
What To Expect
What should I wear?
- There is no dress code, and you can feel free to wear what is most comfortable for you.
- You'll see a wide range of clothing in our gathering… Some people might be wearing their favorite team jersey while others might wear a suit and tie. Dress in a way that represents you and also honors God.
- There is parking available for guests right by the front door marked as "Reserved."
- General parking is located at each end of the building and behind it on the west side.
- Additional parking is available across the street at RCB Bank.
- The worship service at 10:30 typically lasts around 80 minutes.
- The Bible classes at 9:30 are 45 minutes.
- Much of the worship service is spent singing praises to God. We sing in the "a cappella" style, harmonizing our voices without musical instruments.
- We partake in communion every Sunday as a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice. All baptized believers are invited to participate. Plates of communion bread and trays of grape juice are passed around for you to take from if you choose.
- You will also hear scripture reading and a message from God's Word that will deepen your understanding and challenge you to live for Jesus. Sermons are typically around 40 minutes of the service.
- We also pass plates to take up an offering just after communion that supports the work of the church. There is absolutely no obligation for our guests to give, but you are welcomed to do so if you choose.
- Children's Bible Hour is completely optional, but is offered for children 2yrs-2nd grade during the sermon. They will be dismissed to the children's wing of the building just before the lesson and will get to hear an age appropriate Bible lesson, do a craft, and have a snack.
- There are also Bible classes for all ages offered at 9:30.