Diving Deep
How to study the Bible

Diving Deep: Lesson 1 - Read

1. Study is Reading

There is no getting around it. If you want to learn more about God than you need to turn to the primary source of our knowledge, the bible, and that means reading.

Forming a daily bible reading habit can be a struggle for some. Habits are formed over time and at the beginning take a conscious effort to accomplish each day.

Healthy habits can be easier to form when you have a clear goal and a clear path towards that goal. At the end of this lesson there will be a challenge designed to help you form the habit of reading your bible every day.
2. Read a lot. Write some of it down.

Reading the bible allows you to immerse yourself into the story. While reading you will come across things that might not make since or it may be very impactful to you. Make note of these things in some way. Whether you underline in your bible or take notes in a journal. Your time spent reading can help you build a list of questions that you can explore later through deeper bible study.
3. Pray

Begin and end each time you read in prayer. This will allow you to have a clear beginning and end to your reading time. It also invites God into the process, opening your heart and mind to the things God wants to show you.

The world we live in is so loud and has so many distractions. This simple act of praying helps carve out a time in our day that is only for God. It is our time to listen to Him.


The Goal
Read the bible for at least 15 Minutes every day.

This Weeks Challenge
  1. Read 1 John through twice by next Wednesday (4/21)
  2. Read a little bit each day working up to 15 minutes a day.

Tips to get more from the reading
  1. Ask questions of the text.
    1. What does this passage teach me about God
    2. What does this passage say about us?
    3. Is what I am reading applicable to my life? If so, how?
  2. Write down questions.
    1. What words do you not understand.
    2. Are there themes present that don't make since?
    3. Write down any question you may have about what you have read.