What is Mission Cville?

Mission Cville is an all-church local mission trip to reach out to our local community. Instead of traveling to another city or state this year, our mission trip focus will be our own backyard. This “trip” aims to unify all generations of our church to reach out to the neighborhoods surrounding our church building. The main push of this event is to win souls for Christ by helping to meet physical needs while also being prepared to have spiritual conversations.

We will accomplish this by going door to door in the neighborhoods surrounding the church building to meet people and see how we can help them.  After our door-knocking campaign, we will compile a list of projects and send teams out during our work week to help the people who were identified during the campaign. This event has a lot of moving pieces and will require a lot of help, so if you are willing, there is a place for you.


Training - Saturday, April 27
On this day, we will review the full plan in more detail and give everyone the materials and training they need to make this event a success.

Campaign - Every Saturday in May (May 4, 11, 18, and 25)
Those campaigning will gather at the church to get their assigned area and then they will be sent out to knock on doors. Each team will be given bible study materials, flyers, and a script that they can follow when talking to people. All of these materials will be explained on the training day.
Campaigns will leave from the church fellowship hall at 10 AM. 

Work Week - June 2 - 5
Sunday, June 2
Our work week will begin on Sunday, June 2, with W.A.T.S., otherwise known as We Are The Sermon. This is a modified Sunday service where we will meet at 9:00 AM for breakfast and then have an abbreviated worship service at 9:30 AM. After the service concludes, we will put people into work groups and then go out and serve our community. That evening, we will gather for a meal, devotional, and debrief.

Monday, June 3 - Wednesday, June 5
Each day, we will start with breakfast at 8:30 AM. During breakfast, we will hand out jobs for the day. At 9:30 AM, we will start our work day. Each day, we will have lunch and dinner at the church building. Our workdays will conclude with a devotional and debrief time each evening. On Wednesday evening, we will conclude our work portion of this event with a meal inviting all those we helped.

Silver Dollar City - June 6-7
Everyone who helped out during Mission Cville is invited to join us on a trip to Silver Dollar City. We will leave early in the morning on Thursday, June 6, and head to Branson. After spending the day at the park, we will have a meal together, spend the night at a local hotel, and drive back the next morning. The final cost for this portion of the trip will be determined soon.

How can I get involved?

Please pray that God opens doors and provides opportunities to serve and share the Gospel with our community. Mission Cville is a step out in faith. Many unknowns surround this event that can't be known until after we start the process. Please pray for courage for our members who will need to step out of their comfort zones and for those we serve to be shown the gospel of Christ through our words and actions.

Sign Up:
Let us know how you can help. We need to know how many people will attend the training, campaigns, work week, and Silver Dollar City trip.