Discover Hope

We are called to lead our neighbors to know and serve Jesus Christ.

We love our church family.

Our church is made up of people from all walks of life and backgrounds, who live in various many communities around our area. Whoever you are and wherever you're from, we believe that God has plans for you and has gifted you in this season of life to be a valuable citizen in the Kingdom of God. We are here to help you discover the blessings God has given you and equip you to use your talents to bless others. Join us this Sunday!

We have a place for you.

From Bible classes for all ages to small groups that gather in homes, Sunday morning worship to prayer breakfasts, we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved and get connected. We are here to encourage one another as we seek a life devoted to Christ.

Latest Sermon

Nothing we have is more important than the Word of God that has been preserved for us all these centuries. We are dedicated to studying the Bible together and seeking to learn from it and grow in our relationship with God. All of the messages you will hear from us are deeply rooted in Scripture and seek to bring these ancient words to life for you today. Check out the latest sermon here, and pass it on to someone else who will be blessed by it.

Gathering Times

Sundays: Classes at  9:30 & Worship at 10:30am
Wednesdays: Worship & Classes at 6:45pm